Parks & Recreation

Well friends, I'm wrapping up my second full week in this city. I went to Central Park for the first time. It was beautiful, but hot and exhausting. Thank God for the little lady on the edge of the park selling cups of Italian Ice for a dollar. Her cart said Puerto Rican Paradise but when she handed me the cup she said "Enjoy your little taste of Italy". I didn't care if it was Italian, Puerto Rican, or Oklahoman for that matter; I was just glad that she was there  providing relief from the heat.

I also went to the Museum Mile Festival. The festival began in the late 70's. It was created to draw awareness to New York's artistic treasures. I was able to go to the Guggenheim, the Jewish Museum, The Museum of the City of New York, and El Museo Del Barrio. The streets were filled with people singing an dancing, painting, eating and just having a good time. It was a wonderful experience; one that I probably would have never had if it wasn't for this free festival. In the Museum of the City of New York, there was a stairwell with quotes about New York covering the walls. My favorite was one that said, "The only credential that the city asked was the boldness to dream. For those who did, it unlocked its gates and its treasures, not caring who they were or where they came from. - Moss Hart, 1959". 

Photo Jun 13, 6 38 41 PM.jpg

On the way to Central Park, I turned down a street thinking I would take a short cut. It was not at all a short cut, but that's a whole different story about how I am constantly making poor directional decisions. As I was walking I felt a gust of cold air coming out of a building. The doors were open so I decided to climb the few steps to at least see what was inside. I peeked through a window in a second set of doors and saw one of the most beautiful sanctuaries. It was the Church of the Blessed Sacrament. The sanctuary was quiet, with one single parishioner praying in the first pew. I'm not Catholic, but I am a believer. I said a short prayer thanking God for where I am in life, and asked for discernment and favor for wherever it is that I am going.