Photo Jun 25, 2 54 23 PM.jpg

This last week was one of the best weeks I've had in the city. Why, you ask? I'll tell you! Because my DAD came to visit me! It is my fourth time visiting NYC with this year, of course, being my longest visit. Since my first time here, I had been begging my dad to take a trip with me. Each year, different things would come up and we weren't able to make the trip together. Thankfully this year, my dad was finally able to make it! Now I have to admit, I was kind of nervous with him coming up here for the first time. I'm used to going on trips with him, and just being along for the ride. All I do is sit there and let him be in control. This time, I was in control. Even though I've been living here for the past month, and had been here a few times before, I am not at all an expert. I get lost and/or confused... literally everyday. I also wanted to make sure he had a good time and got a good impression of the city. I've talked about him visiting so many times, so I wanted his trip to be worthwhile. When he got here he reassured me that we didn't have to do anything real extravagant, and that I didn't have to go out of my way to try to impress him. He was more interested in seeing the everyday life of the people here. That was definitely a relief. I showed him how to get around using trains and buses. We did a few touristy things like the Statue of Liberty, Central Park and Times Square, though I think we most enjoyed people watching. We sat and listened to the many languages being spoken. He also was able to capture some pretty great photos. He got the chance to see a lot of the things he had grown up seeing and hearing about on TV. It's one thing to hear about NYC, but to actually see it in person is a totally different thing. I'm thankful that he got to finally see the place that makes me so happy. 

I also got the chance to visit one of my best friends in New Jersey! We went to Belmar Beach and it was admittedly a pleasant relief from the hustle and bustle of the city. I can't wait to visit again! 


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